Still a happy boy even after I pull him out of the bath.

Then I put on the dreaded lotion.

I thought it was because the lotion was cold, but I warmed it up before putting it on him and he still cries. Jeff says he just doesn't want to smell like a girl, to which I reply the lotion doesn't smell girlie, just babyish.
LOL that is too funny!! :)
YEA!! Sullivan!! I agree with Jeff he does'nt want to smell like a baby either.
Love Grand Ma Pope
That's so sad. I wonder if lotion stings him. Sometimes my skin doesn't agree with stuff. But, baby lotion is really gentle. Have you tried massaging him like your applying lotion and using a mineral oil? I hope it's just because he doesn't like it.
I can't get over how ADORABLE he is! I just want to kiss those little cheeks!
addy does the same thing... its worth it... :)
That second picture of cozy Sullivan is BEAUTIFUL! I love him!
LOL. awesome. usually babies (well my nephews) love having the lotion put on.
Sullivan is such a beautiful little boy!! Did I tell you I love that name?!!
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