On Christmas Eve, we played games, played with Sullivan (see how strong he is) and cooked goodies through out the day.

Every year, Jeff reads the girls a ton of Christmas books (including Luke 2). I love that my girls look forward to this tradition.

The girls helped make some yummy cookies to set out for Santa and even left 12 pickles for the reindeer. I guess reindeer like pickles!? That night we let the girls open one present from under the tree and Kamryn ended up getting an art kit from Grandma. This entertained the girls for quite awhile while Jeff and I finished up some last minute details (cleaning mostly). They ended up drawing pictures for Santa and they left them by the cookies, milk and pickles. Santa must have loved them because everything was gone in the morning.

We warned the girls that they weren't allowed to try to wake us until 6 a.m. However, in our family it is usually Jeff or myself that is too anxious to wait to open presents and this year did not disappoint. Sullivan woke me up at around 4:45, so I told Jeff that instead of going back to bed we should wake the girls. He literally jumped out of bed (such a kid at heart).
Santa left a few presents (definitely not as much as he's left in the past). Kamryn got a pink Nintendo DS with 2 games. She loves it so much and I can tell already that we might have to set up new rules with how much she has been playing it. Though, having a DS on road trips has been so, so nice.
London got a swimming baby and a container for all her Barbie's. She loved those as well.

Sullivan by his presents from Santa. He could care less about the presents. His was just happy to have Daddy playing with him.

After discovering what Santa left, we moved on to all of the family presents.

Sullivan's first Christmas. These show my pathetic attempts at being a creative photographer.

Sullivan modeling some of his Christmas goodies.

Sounds like y'all had a wonderful first Christmas together as a family. I can't believe how long Sullivan looks! How long is he anyway?
great Christmas photos. I see a few new games in one photo. We might have to bust them out before Jeff goes on all his trips in Feb.
Cute pictures!! I love the ones of Sullivan smiling! Kimberley was laughing hysterically at the ones with Sullivan with a Santa hat on (she is such a weirdo!).
This year instead of cookies we left santa a box of HoHO's. We figure that everytime that we have seen him he has said; "HO HO HO"! I mean, he has been asking. This is the first year that we have listened! Santa loved them!
cute pictures of your very cute family. Keep up with the Christmas traditions, your kids will love them even when they are older and are reading Jeff the christmas stories.
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