Monday, November 15, 2010

Num Nums

I recently gave my girls some Zhu Zhu Pets activity pads. As they were coloring, Kam states to me that "Sullivan has Num Nums".

Can you imagine my reaction...

My eyebrows were raised, minutes passed as I silently questioned whether I should probe her more about Sullivan's num nums.

Then, my eyebrows scrunch up as I think about what my kid learns these days at school and if she is learning "slang" then I need to at least teach her the correct wording.

Me: He has Num Nums?

K: Yep

Me: Where are his Num Nums?

K: I don't know, I haven't seen it in awhile.

Me: What!?

K: Yeah, London got Jilly for Christmas, I have Chunks and Sullivan has Num Nums.

I guess all of the Zhu Zhu pets have names and Sullivan indeed has Num bad. But seriously, what a relief!!


James and Lauren said...

HAHAHAHA! That is so funny! I love you jen... ;)

Mrs. Mandy said...

laughing out loud. So funny!