Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Muffins for Mom

We usually have our individual Daddy/daughter, Mommy/daughter dates on Thursday nights, once a month. But, we improvised when Kamryn's school invited all moms to an early morning "Muffins for Mom" day. This morning, I took Kamryn for the muffin breakfast while Jeff took London to work. It was early (7:30 a.m), so please forgive my bad hair day. I had to post this picture for you Stephen since I am wearing my new coat that Jeff bought me a while back (this is as good of picture as I can get...enjoy!)
Kamryn showed me her classroom, of which I have already seen a few dozen times, but it was nice to have such an adorable tour guide. I had to take a picture of Kam's green card, which has stayed green the whole school year.
After Muffins for Mom, we went to pick up London at Jeff's office. He was coloring pictures with her while snacking on Honey Nut Cheerios. She enjoyed her self so much that she did not want to go home.


Anonymous said...

Cute! What a fun idea..that muffins for mom thing! :) And London looks like she had fun! :)

Jamie said...

Your so pretty Jen!

Stephen Paul Webb said...

Love the coat, Jen!