Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The ABC's of London

I guess since her birthday was the very first week of school, she got to be the very first star student of the week. This really built her confidence and she loved bringing snacks everyday and she loved working on her poster. I know it looks busy and messy, but she loved gluing and cutting things that I just let her go at it. Here she is with her friend that I was babysitting.

A is for Annie (favorite movie)
B is for Barbie (she owns quite the collection)
C is for Cousins (and a lot of them, I might add!)
D is for Dressing Up
E is for Elephants and Eggs
F is for Family
G is for Gym
H is for Holidays
I is for Ice cream
J is for Jumping (on the trampoline)
K is for Kamryn
L is for Lily Books
M is for Mud
N is for (couldn't think of anything)
O is for Outside
P is for Pink (of course)
Q is for Quiet Time
R is for Rain
S is for Sullivan
T is for Travel
U is for (couldn't think of one)
V is for Vet (what she wants to be when she grows up)
W is for water
X is for XOXO
Y is for Yellow
Z is for Zoo